Monday, August 17, 2020

Deal of the Day zauBeR (d+d=2d English Edition)

 The Deal of the Day over on DrivethruRPG is 'zauBeR' coming in at 70 percent off. 

You can take part in this deal HERE. 

Here are the details:

zauBeR is a RPG set in a world almost like ours. The difference is magic is real, creatures from other planes of existence visit us, and the evil in the people’s hearts is even more evident. It’s part of a genre known as urban fantasy, a mix of real and fantastic in the contemporary era.

So, if you are used to classic fantasy, put aside the idea of elves, orcs and dwarves fighting on the dungeons of a castle: here human beings assume the role of protagonists and antagonists – even when one wears a mask, the source of conflict is human evil.

Our adventures take place in Brazil, during the year 2018. You know the basics: the urban areas are not unlike the streets of Detroit or Glasgow, with excess traffic, some crime, usual daily affairs… The problem is the same, add a degree of government corruption on top of that, and no one knows how to implement good solutions, but there a few more questions people who awoke are, maybe, able to answer.

Remember that, albeit this is a game of magic and adventures – Player Characters may be powerful spellcasters or mighty warriors fighting evil – this is also a game of horror where profane creatures hunt unaware humans and extradimensional beings bring turmoil. Yet, it’s the Player Characters who can make the difference in this world, even if the price to pay is revealed to be too high.

Oh, this is also a RPG where Nazis use forbidden rituals to conquer the world using arcane forces. Are you ready to stop them?

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